Posts Tagged :

nonprofit coaching

Elevating Your Board: Steps to Transform from Hot Mess to High Functioning

878 488 Impactability

Is your non-profit board a hot mess? Does it sometimes feel like a futile attempt to manage and organize the Board, like herding cats? Do you long for the day…

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Empowering Nonprofit Board Members: The Key to Successful Fundraising

878 488 Impactability

Fundraising is most successful when it is authentic. Donors are most likely to give when they are asked by a Board member who is passionate about the mission of the organization and who is able to effectively communicate that passion and inspire the donor’s trust.

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Securing Funding and Support: The Power of Impact Reports for Nonprofits

878 488 Impactability

As a nonprofit leader, one of your goals is to motivate your donors to support your nonprofit’s mission. An excellent means of doing that is sharing the impact their donations…

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Ignite Successful Board Collaboration

660 371 Impactability

Nonprofit Board members commit to providing the organization with the resources it needs to thrive, and fundraising is a significant part of this. Learn how to ignite successful Board collaboration and create a culture of enthusiasm for Board fundraising to provide your organization with the resources it needs to pursue its mission!

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Break Through and Diversify Your Revenue Streams

1024 576 Impactability

Is your nonprofit stuck at the same level of income and can’t seem to break through? Have you asked yourself, “What can I do to raise more?” The main thing to consider when you are really in a revenue rut is: Diversify your revenue streams. In other words, raise money from a variety of different avenues.

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Key Take-aways from AFP ICON 2022

1024 576 Impactability

I just returned from the annual international conference of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, known as AFP ICON, and I want to share with you my biggest takeaways. First and…

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Horror Stories from the Trenches - Why Grant Writers Need to Communicate with Program Directors

Horror Stories from the Trenches: Why Grant Writers Need to Communicate with Program Directors

1024 576 Impactability

With decades of experience working in nonprofits, our staff has witnessed when there was a lack of communication between grant writers and the Program Director who carried out the grant project. This article shares a few of these chaotic scenarios and offers guidance on why grant writers should coordinate with Program Directors–before writing the proposal.

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